escape the matrix 1
"Yes, they brainwash you with images and words until your subconscious change belief. Governments use this, the rich and famous use it. Churches use it. It is the basis of propaganda the modern enslavement."
What do we know about the subconscious mind?
In my quest for the real power within I realised that the patterns of my thoughts create my reality. This lead to my next question. What is this subconscious mind?
Let us look at the things we already know about this Power Mind about his behaviour and control he has over us. But before I continue I would like to ask the following question:
Did God make a mistake creating this power mind within us?
If not Why do the religious leaders condemn the teachings and theories of this mind? I am just asking and would like to hear your opinion on this.
What do we know about the subconscious mind?
The picture summarizes the actions and functions of the two.
But we also know the following:
1) The Subconscious mind never switches off.
It does not sleep and are continuously busy to influence the conscious mind. During the night it creates dreams thought pattern according to the belief systems fears and emotions imprinted on it.
2) It records every minute of every day
It records every feeling, every sound and every imprint 24 hours a day
3) It does not understand or react to the word "No" or "Not"
You cannot imprint a negative command into it. An example would be you cannot tell yourself in the morning
"today I will not argue with my wife"
"today I will argue with my wife"
He sends these commands to the conscious mind, and the conscious mind starts looking for the argument.
4) It controls 90% of our mind.
5) It does not have the ability to distinguish between reality and a dream.

6) Repetition creates new behaviour and forms new beliefs.
Well, this is the moment of good and bad news.
The Bad news
The advertising world and the media know this.
Yes, they brainwash you with images and words until your subconscious change belief. Governments use this, the rich and famous use it. Churches use it. It is the basis of propaganda the modern enslavement.
Protesters follow a leader not because they had the same beliefs, but it was imprinted with speeches and Television coverage. A new belief system was created.
In my next post, I will discuss why they need us negative
The good news
We can Brainwash ourselves.
If we repeat and use the tools that we know we can imprint new belief systems we can break the emotional and psychological straps that enslave us. We can prosper, we can love and we can create our own reality.
Break away from the Matrix.
Remember the greatest and strongest emotion is unconditional Love. Live with love and create affirmations with an abundance of love, respect, health and wealth.
My name is Willie Beetge and with this, I send unconditional love to all my readers.
Have a great and prosperous week.
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