Recipe of Transformation

In Previous posts we have talked a lot about change, breaking the Matrix and successful creations through faith. We talked about the Law of the heart as seen by Gabriel Gonsalves. Today I would like to talk about the ingredients you need to bake this wonderful transformation cake. 
Everything is available to you.
With a little practice your world can change, your broth will stew to a wonderful outcome. Now before we start we need to know that we have to clean the kitchen before during and after of all limitations that stand like mountains in our way. 

Now if you have problems or questions please feel free to either ask them in the comments below or you can send me an email from my Facebook page.


  • Large bucket of perseverance (21 days at least)
  • One or two hell yeah Transformation goals
  • An Abundance of unconditional love
  • List of at least 5 affirmations
  • Unlimited gratitude
  • More love and joyful emotions
  • Box of matches
  • Mindset (faith) 
  • Love and Gratitude
  • Expectancy and a large mould to fill 
Before we discuss how to find these ingredients we need to understand the following.

God or the Universe can only give you what it can manifest through you. 
 Gabriel Gonsalves

I like to use Gabriel Gonsalves again if I may, he has a simple but effective way to set your goals so that it aligns with you.
The H.E.A.R.T principle where the:

H- stand for Harmony. The goal that you set must be in harmony with your heart and soul. It must also be in Harmony with the planet and your purpose.

E- Stand for End Result, You need to know what it will look, feel and be like if the goal has manifested.

A- Stand for As if right now. Are you ready to receive the goal right at this moment? Let me explain: If you, for instance, have a goal to attract the right partner and to get married. Are you ready right this moment or would you like to have some time? It can only manifest or start the process if you are ready.

R- Stand for Release. Your goal is limited to your experiences, are you prepared that the end result is a little different because God or the Universe knows better.

T-  Stands for Transformation. Will this goal cause you to transform? If not why bother if it will leave you as is.

Finding the ingredients

Hell yeah, Transformational goals.

To set a goal that will really transform you, you need three ingredients
  1. It needs to make sense
  2. It needs to feel right and fit with your heart
  3. It needs to create fear inside (if not it is merely a goal within yourself with no Transformation) 
Before we now go on we need to clean some old belief systems or mountains out of our subconscious mind.
You know those beliefs that were drilled into you from a small age examples will be

1) Money does not grow on trees
  • 2) You can only be successful if you have           money
  • 3) You are nothing in this Universe
Let us look at these three for a second
  • Money actually does grow on trees before it goes to the paper mill.
  • Money is only a commodity and cannot stop your creative mind
  • You are created in the image of God, you do have the power to create your own reality and you influence all around you with your behaviour. So I will say you are pretty awesome
How do we change these beliefs or state of mind?
Firstly the subconscious mind is influenced 24 hours a day by repetition and it takes plus minus 21 days to form a new belief system.
Affirmations do just that.

So what is an affirmation?

  • An affirmation is a short sentence to imprint a belief into the subconscious mind.
  • It needs to be in the present tense, as the subconscious mind needs to see it as reality.
  • It needs to be repeated every day for at least 21 days.
Examples will be:
I am tremendously successful
I am attracting habits of health and wealth
Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.

Now we take our goal and break the component we need into short affirmations. Repeat this now every morning and every evening to yourself. At a later stage, we will look at the attachment of emotion to these affirmations.

Once you have created this new mindset you created faith. Remember 
faith the size of a mustard seed moves mountains
I need to dedicate a whole new post on love and how powerful that is.

Gratitude for who you are, for what you do and for what you have will form a strong connection with your mind and you need to conclude every affirmation session with this gratitude.

All of you probably want to know what the box of matches is for. 
Remember in war if you want to be successful taking an island burn your boats, leave yourself no option but to succeed.
As long as we leave an escape route for if the goal does not work, we have no faith and no power to create and move the mountains

So burn your ability to escape, show your commitment. Become a close friend of Mother Courage and her children.

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With Unconditional Love

Willie Beetge


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